Portfolio: Mathias Thorström
Hello! I'm a senior personal security expert in the field of track and trace, nationally and internationally, with a total of 10 years experience in the security branch. I'm passionate about technique that develop societies and apply human growth, with my frontend developer skills, I think I can make a difference.
HTML, CSS, Flexbox, JavaScript ES6, JSX, React, React Hooks, Redux, Node.js, Mongo DB, Web Accessibly, API:s, mob-programming, pair-programming, Github.
Delivered a responsive landing page for Jaktstugan podcast to work as a linktree for their bussiness. >>
React Form Styled-components
Delivered a responsive landing page för Söderlunds Plattsättning for them to get online exposure. >>
React React Reveal Styled-components Github Copilot
Responsive web site using React and Redux for users to create their own workout diary. >>
React Redux Styled-components Express Node.js MongoDB
Responsive web site using HTML, CSS and JavaScript ES6 to display weather in Stockholm. >>
The classic fortune telling toy, first invented by Albert C. Carter & Abe Bookman in 1950. >>
HTML CSS JavaScript
A colorful todo list created with React and Redux. >>
React Redux Styled-components
Quiz game using React and Redux. >>
React Redux
cluedo. Web app using objects and arrays to pick random informaiton and display it. >>
HTML CSS JavaScript
stridsberg. Really simple discord bot. >>
JavaScript Node.js
Online challenges with real exploits. Gathering strings online can be both fun and educational. This is a short introduction to a Jeopardy online capture the flag, also known as CTF. >>
The idea of creating reusable components in React sounds tempting, it goes very much in hand with the concept of Don't repeat yourself (DRY) when coding. >>
One of my first article about pair programming, interesting conecpt of learning, often used in the tech industry. Don't forget to like and share >>
The internet is not for everyone. Don't forget to like and share >>
Introduction to Git branch. Don't forget to like and share >>